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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bee Outfit and Clothing Store Glitch

Today, I noticed the bee-themed clothes were back for sale. I decided to use my cute little bunny and make an outfit (how do you rate it???) There's also a beehive hat, but that's a different story . . .


I was looking at the AJ Google+ community again, and noticed a member post about a glitch. It's super-simple and not exactly useful, but it's interesting. It doesn't do much at all so I doubt it's one AJHQ will patch up anytime soon.

First you just go to any clothing store and click on an item.

Then you just click the blue next page arrow. The item that was located in the same spot before will atomically be lit up, but you won't be wearing it. You'll still have the other item on.


And finally, we see that the summer carnival is gone; it's nowhere to be found under the party list . . . or is it? Since it's the day before Thursday, it might be completely gone tomorrow, but you can still spend your tickets and play a some last games. Go to Jamaa Township -- or wherever you see the blue banners -- and click on the flagpole that says "Summer Carnival is Leaving!" You'll instantly be transported there!

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